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Writer's pictureOlivia Lundberg

Preview of "True Connection" from The Diamond Sun Book

Welcome to the preview of "True Connection" from chapter 7 of my new book, The Diamond Sun...

Relationships are rerouting and it's easy to accumulate doubt because of this. Below my guides, The Diamond Sun Collective, explain why this is happening and why it's important to release the false guilt using the frequencies streaming from the Diamond Sun.



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NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their messages:

  • OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)

  • OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)

  • ACT (Artificial Creation Template)

  • ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)

Preview of "True Connection"

From chapter 7 in The Diamond Sun book by Olivia Lundberg

(Channeled from The Diamond Sun Collective)

…There will be a uniting within you of OCT heart fields, which connect directly to the Source fields and Source within you, and of those around you. All lifeforms upon the planet will be united in ways that foster compassion and unity with those of like-mind, through frequency and vibration. Those who do not resonate with one another, will align to those of like-vibration. Therefore, at a most expanded level, everyone truly is connected to one another through a “rainbow” of frequency bands. In this way, although you may be of the “purple” frequency band of the rainbow, and another at the “orange”, you are still “connected”. You may not able to see “eye-to-eye” because you are not traveling in the same areas of the rainbow. However, from a higher Source-aligned perspective, you are still connected through the Earth’s frequency rainbow.

Remember this, as you progress through this time. Those who are diametrically opposed to your frequency are not “cast offs” from the perspective of the Earth’s rainbow. The planetary logos holds them all. Just as your cells, although different in purpose, are all traveling within the same body. This will become clearer as you walk through these Diamond Sun energetics. This message is also intended to relieve any “guilt” you may be feeling as you release those who are traveling on different frequency bands than your own. This will arise for many of you as you continue to walk your journey into the Source timeline, as others around you choose the ACT timeline. Remember, you are always walking within Source connection upon this Earth. Source understands how and why such things have occurred. It is the natural rhythm of the Universe to align in this way.

Tool: Releasing False Guilt

When one embarks upon their journey of consciousness evolution, and ultimately the shifting of living within certain frequency bands, there can be energetics that try to thwart this natural progression of evolution. One energetic in particular is displaced feelings of guilt, which we like to call “false guilt”. The natural laws of Source creation understand that intentions behind actions are sometimes more important than the action itself. Therefore, one’s intention behind the release of certain people, relationships and environments is the key to understanding whether you do indeed need to look at whether you have purposefully intended harm to another in the process.

When one shifts into a new frequency band of experience, people around them are given the choice as to which frequency band they wish to walk through life. Do they move into a more aligned frequency band with yours, in order to stay connected to mutual purposes and growth? Or do they choose a different experience than your frequency band allows for? Releasing those who do not align to you anymore is one of the hardest processes to undergo as a Divine Human on this Earth, at this time in history. There are many who wish to make you believe you are undertaking this natural process of release in order to purposefully harm another. These people are usually choosing a path of experience much different than your own and can be the person you are releasing. Remember this, in order to “do no harm”, one must let this process unfold in its own unique way, while staying aligned to one’s frequency band and inner Source-aligned truth. This is usually done with patience, caring and very powerful consent statements, which create the container/boundaries needed for this release to occur. 

Below is a technique to help you release the false guilt that can linger during and after the releasing of a relationship occurs…[end of preview]

This is the end of the free preview of "True Connection" found in chapter 7. To read the rest...

Click to purchase eBook - The Diamond Sun

*Stay tuned for the paperback version coming out soon...

Preview the other 2 sections of the book below...


"Preview of 'True Connection' from The Diamond Sun Book": Copyright © 2024 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved

Share in whole only - with copyright, author's name and title in tact...If there is something from any part you'd like to share with another, please contact me ( prior, to ask permission.


If you resonated with this message, preview two more sections from The Diamond Sun:


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