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Writer's pictureOlivia Lundberg

"Timelines Are Collapsing" - INU, Founders & Diamond Sun Collective

Timelines are collapsing as we prepare for, what my guides called, a 3rd wave of mass awakening. We can feel it within our body, as the collective is shifting.

Check out what my guides, the INU, Founders & Diamond Sun Collective, had to say about what this means for us.

Topics include:

  • Body Confusion

  • How to Increase Flow

  • Effect on the Collective Body

  • The 3rd Wave of Awakening



For more on the transitioning Source-aligned Earth that's happening now, check out "Earth's New Location: New Earth Report"

NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their message:

  • OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)

  • OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)

  • ACT (Artificial Creation Template)

  • ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)

Timelines Are Collapsing

Channeled by Olivia Lundberg from the INU, Founders & Diamond Sun Collective

(Originally channeled 11-9-24)


Body Confusion


We’d like to speak to you about the body confusion that arises when multiple timelines are collapsed, as is what is happening currently. The body holds timelines in its energy field as possibilities. When one or more of these major timelines condenses, dismantles, fragments and then “collapses” into the whole of Source, many people will sense and feel this within their body as a “jolt” of lightning. Electrical pathways merge together for some time, until the body can restabilize itself and work with the new set of timeline parameters.


For those who are not conscious of this, and even for those who are, areas of the body may lack “flow” states, which creates pain, pressure, numbness and even fatigue, as the body works overtime to process and reassess. This is short lived by our standards; however, linear time upon the physical planes runs much slower, especially with ACT grid overlays, such as “time traps” and “time loops,” that slow everything way down.


How to Increase Flow


When these sensations arise, as they may be currently to those who are unaware of the importance of this time, we see the benefit of movement. Moving the affected areas and building back flow with the intention to create new energy/electric pathways. This intention is important, as this is not about exercise, strength nor losing weight.


Rest is also important and working with this Sun to regenerate pathways and receive the nutrients through photonic flow states the body requires. If one cannot see or be physically present outside in the Sun, we recommend visualizing the Sun in its current position and imagining it penetrating through the barriers of the physical that are present around you - clouds, trees, buildings, etc. You are that powerful. Never forget this.


Effect on the Collective Body


Those who are not holding ACT timelines as possibilities for their own life are still affected to some extent by their collapse, but not within your physical body. If the timelines that are collapsing are ACT in alignment, then one’s “collective body” would be affected. You would feel this collective “echo” within your energy field. This echo allows you to understand what is occurring within your planet’s humanity.


You may even believe you are without flow and feel fear around possibilities. You may even take that into your body and think it is your own and thus create an illusionary template of fake and false energy flows within your body. This is what many of you are sensing, as fears of outcomes about the future sneak into your otherwise pleasant surroundings and thoughts.


The 3rd Wave of Awakening


Many people are in delusional fear states, as their narratives collapse. There are very little timelines available for your planet’s humanity now where gaslighting, brain manipulation and ACT delusion reign. Because of this, a third wave of mass awakening will occur by January 2025 - within the next two months. 2025 will be releasing false mental overlays that kept humanity enslaved within a very limiting and predatory ACT reality.


Hold space for this to occur, but know you are not to “go down with the ship”. The Rebuild Cycle ends in August 2025, then a new day of creation truly arises. Therefore, you are witnessing the final death throes of the ACT establishment. Keep remembering what is truly happening and the higher purpose of this time. This time is not about politics and duality. It is about Source-creation, self-sovereignty on the Source timeline and reclaiming the OCT Earth.


With love in our hearts for you all at this time,

- INU, Founders & Diamond Sun Collective


"'Timelines Are Collapsing' - INU, Founders & Diamond Sun Collective": Copyright © 2024 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved

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