As the planet awakens to see clearly the nefarious agendas and attempted enslavement of humanity, many ponder will agendas like 2030/2045 and the New World Order really succeed? What does humanity’s future really look like?
Check out what my guides, The INU and Timeline Guides, see playing out and if all these nefarious agendas succeed.
It’s pretty interesting.
Topics include:
What if these agendas do anchor? What happens?
What will the future look like?
Will the ACT grid go away completely?
What about the young people?
Stay in these truths…
For more on the overarching energetics of 2024, check out "The 2024 Report" New Earth Report
NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their message:
OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)
OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)
ACT (Artificial Creation Template)
ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)
Will They Succeed?
Channeled by Olivia Lundberg from The INU & Timeline Guides
(Originally channeled 6-25-24)
Questions from community: Will the New World Order agendas (Agenda 2030/2045, UN100, AI Integration, AI World Enlightenment & communist takeover tactics) for humanity ultimately succeed? What is going on with them? What do we need to be aware of moving forward? What is the state of the Divine Human upon this planet in the coming years, decades and centuries? How do we protect ourselves and create the world in which we are sovereign and free in both outer and inner experiences?
My guides' response: The ACT 3D world, in which many are being programmed to accept, is a world filled with illusion, artificiality and infinite structures of fragmentation, dissociation and unconscious actions. This is not a world that vibrationally aligns to the Divine Human in any way, shape or form and therefore cannot succeed in the world of Divine Humans. However, there will be many power struggles. They have occurred in the past when different factions of planetary powers, in different sectors of your Universe and beyond, have attempted this same takeover of sacred Source-aligned beings. This is how this template always operates.
One must understand that this has been going on for a long, long time - in all sectors where ACT energetics of fragmentation and separation from Source [through trauma-based occurrences in this Universe] have occurred. This is not to say that this will continue. This is to say that there has always been a “fight back” against these energies. This is the way we view the historical references and other planetary experiences we have been part of to assist. There is no success in trying to integrate these fragments in the outer world. It is only successful if you begin to integrate the fragments within your inner world. This is what creates the lasting change, and this is what we see many of you doing at this time.
This is the purpose of awakening - to work yourself back into wholeness and not focus on the outer world becoming whole. This is not to say you need to “bury your head in the sand” and not look at these things. It is important, when you are given that awareness, to state your consent to the Universe - to yourself in your inner world. This is the power you hold and cannot be taken away at this time nor in the future.
What if these agendas do anchor? What happens?
Let's go to that experience of the world in which they want to create for a moment. Let's say, hypothetically, that does occur. Does that change your inner world? Well, yes. It creates a lot of pressure, which we see transforms into being a catalyst for inner transformation and growth. This is much like the way the pandemic’s “stay at home orders” created pressure and became a catalyst to research, explore, find truth and awaken for many people upon this planet, which they would not have done otherwise.
Yes, this is a hypothetical situation that these agendas do work out. We do say that if, by chance, some of them do come to fruition it would be for a very short period of time and not the totality of human experience. We see a lot of these agendas dying out in the near future and coming into more and more fragmentation. There is an inner destruction to all of them. However, let's say that these did, for a brief moment in history, occur again upon your planet in the ways they intend.
There is too much catalytic energy, at this time, based upon cosmic energy hitting the planet, and other planetary experiences going through the same awakening. There is such a momentous ascension energetic opening more awareness and positive Source-aligned connection that these attempts are always going to create a catalytic awakening of the individual. Therefore, they may occur for a short time if they are needed. This is why you would see any of these agendas being played out. This is why these same experiences keep coming around, over and over again - unbeknownst to the nefarious players that are pushing these agendas. They have no clue that what they're actually doing is awakening more and more people to the truths that have been the undercurrent of your western societies.
The power injustices, being pushed in schools at this time, are not the truth. Power injustices, as we see them, are actually fragmentation and division - the “divide and conquer” agendas. That is what will be awakening for people to look at, which then brings them back into their core truth - their inner worlds. How have they divided and conquered themselves? Their rational mind, the ACT programmed ego that is not their truth, has divided and conquered themselves. Therefore, any attempts to “radicalize” and control humanity, in a very extreme way, stem from these agendas.
Even though these agendas use a lot of lingo that assumes sovereignty and freedom, it is just an inversion for them. This is a manipulation. They will not succeed in this way. There will be always awakening individuals that will use these agendas as a catalytic source of connection back to truth. That is how this process always works. Now, one can go through very extreme and hard experiences if these agendas anchor. We do not downsize that possibility. However, we do not see this possibility as being on the mass scale they anticipate.
There will be, of course, pockets of people who succumb to those fears and devolve in their consciousness - eventually going into whatever type of reality they have agreed to. On the flip side, there will always be more and more evolution and positive Source ascension (true ascension energetics) of people moving into more awareness and wholeness within themselves through these experiences. Therefore, that massive awakening process and transformational instinct outweighs any ACT energetic upon your planet.
What will the future look like?
In the next few years (under 10 years), we see this awakening process growing monumentally. We even see by 2026 you just can't understand why 2024 happened in this way. There is so much shift and change and so much consciousness expansion happening within the majority of people. We should say, it’s the majority of Divine Humans upon this planet waking up to who they really are. There is no going back to even a semblance of what you are experiencing now upon this planet. That is very hopeful indeed.
Between 10 and 30 years from now, we see that awakening anchoring more into the physical and becoming building blocks of new creations in a way you would not have even hoped for in these past years. It is now a creative energetic, one can use to create new models.
Big corporations will take a lot longer to dematerialize and reform into different types of environments for people. We see a lot of demolishing of corporate buildings in the decades to follow. We see a lot of demonetization of corporations because of their agendas and undercurrents of taking over world governments. We see a lot of trials for their purposeful poisoning or dehumanizing attempts in their products.
We see a lot of openings in the public as to how mind control works. Ultimately, we see very far down the road, the education system retools itself to teach these principles, and the true history of what has occurred, to future generations. Although, we do not see that occurring earlier than 30 years from now. So, the major mainstream institutions of power (education, medical and consumer corporate models) are the last to really devolve and re-emerge in a new way. We do not see them being connected to institutional models of the ACT grid in the future.
Will the ACT grid go away completely?
No, we do not see that occurring for a very long time. We see little pockets, though, but not as encompassing as before. One can imagine this ACT grid as an overlay of mesh around your globe. Some places were thinner, and some places were thicker. Therefore, what was previously very entwined around the world, through the creation of people and their belief in that system, will now be little pinpricks of experience. If you were to look at this ACT grid of the Earth from space you would see it as dots, not unified and not connected. The rest of the world would be very much on that Source timeline model. It is connected back to truth of organic Source-aligned modes of living and the freedom to live that life.
There will be these dots of the ACT grid in various major cities, especially, so people who are aligned can go to experience those ACT things. It is like a dying out of a cancer or a disease. The healing process of the body takes many steps and stages to fully eradicate that energetic. The dying of the ACT grid is based upon the belief system and choices of the people who are here to create their existence.
Why will there be these pockets? Because there will be people who still need that played out. Will they be in their own world of experience - very much more segmented and separated from other life experiences on the OCTT? Yes, very much so.
What you are seeing now, in 2024, are extremes of perspective. One can only imagine the future, as you postulate what 30 years from now would look like. It is, however, moving very quickly. In 30 years, you will not even be able to communicate with, nor understand fully, any ACT experience you witness. However, you will be able to see it. You will know it's there. It will be observable and there will be much compassion and understanding of it, but it will not affect you in the same ways it has been over these years. You will view it much like a parent who watches their toddler learn and grow through emotional confusion.
Therefore, expect much of more of this evolution of consciousness to occur upon your planet in the coming years. Do not be afraid of what is being proposed through these very nefarious, power-driven agendas. State your consent anytime there is fear: “I do not consent to this agenda happening upon this planet. I do not consent to any pain, suffering, drama and/or fear being imposed onto my life from looking at or viewing that agenda.” These are two consent statements that can be used together at all times - whenever you encounter any of these possibilities. Remind yourself “the light does always win”. The progression of consciousness evolution has far surpassed any attempts to dematerialize and destabilize that progression.
What about the young people?
Many of you may be wondering about future generations, these young people, who are growing up so very distracted, not involved in this process and can be very easily mind controlled. We remind you, these young people do “grow up”. They will recognize what's going on. Also, these young people have much more access to information and many young people are spreading these truths. It is not just adults who are awake. Therefore, that gives us much hope. Many of these young people cannot be thwarted and kept from evolving. Their consciousness cannot be pushed down.
The Divine Humans who are the young people of today, are growing. They have come into bodies that cannot be kept unconscious for very long. Therefore, there is a lot of hope. We recommend, when viewing young people, to remind yourself of this. They will wake up at the right time, within their core experience, and this can be a very quick process for them.
Some of you may be asking, “Well, what about non-Divine Human young people – the ‘non player characters’ or ACT matrix young people who just don't have the synapses within their brains to connect to Source?”
We say, miracles do occur. It doesn't mean their voices will not still be dominant at times. However, we do see bubbles or pockets around the world where young ACT matrix individuals will try and attempt to do extreme things, but the majority will stamp that out. They just don’t have the effect as they once did. Therefore, there is great hope for Earth's humanity.
Stay in these truths…
We see this has been a turning point and it will continue to evolve. Stay true to yourself. Recognize when you need to step away from the news and do your inner work. Stay in the consistent schedule of connecting with yourself and your light within you. Recognize for everything you see on the outside there is an opposite that is also happening. In terms of looking at fear-based models of perception, there is a very big progression of support, truth and growth also happening - more than the instances of fear and extremism.
Hold the truth that this has already played out in so many other places within your Universe. This energy of experience has grown exponentially and is being brought to you. Many of you have lifetimes in these other places and gone through the exact same moment you are witnessing on this Earth now. You are carrying that energy of success, and knowing how to do this, forward into this earth plane.
Therefore, instincts you have to stay centered, turn off, reconnect and stay with what is important, come from your lineage of Divine Humanness. Your past lives of understanding how to successfully walk through this process flow through the planet - carried through your actions and your inner being’s vibration. Know the invisible is oftentimes much more powerful than what is actually physically seen. Therefore, understand this, stay vigilant in your truth and remember the light always wins.
With much love in our hearts for you all at this time,
The INU & Timeline Guides
"'Will They Succeed?' - The INU & Timeline Guides": Copyright © 2024 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved
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