As our Earth begins its move to a more Source-aligned location (see the latest New Earth Report, Earth's New Location for more details), I decided to ask my guides about time travel within our lifetime here on Earth.
Check out how my guides, The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides, answered the following questions:
Are there actual time travelers?
Do we inherently possess this ability?
Do we need the assistance of outer world technology do this?
Why is this important and coming up for us now?
Have time travelers from the future come to reshape the past to their advantage upon this Earth?
For more on the overarching energetics of 2024, check out "The 2024 Report" New Earth Report
NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their message:
OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)
OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)
ACT (Artificial Creation Template)
ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)

Time Travel & Time Travelers
Channeled by Olivia Lundberg from The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides
(Originally channeled 10-19-24)
There are, in essence, many different ways to time travel throughout the space-time continuum that is present within your Universe and beyond. Many people remote view; many people move into this state naturally in meditation; and many people find themselves doing this in daily life in different ways. “Déjà vu” is a form of time travel, although that sense and state is an ACT grid overlay and not something that happens when you're upon the Source timeline. The ways one “time travels” is different between these two vastly different timelines of the ACT artificial grid and the OCT Source timeline.
Vertigo, Dizziness & Inner Ear Issues
When one is upon the ACT artificial grid, one believes they need outside technology to move them into locations. They may find themselves interacting with inherent and natural portals within the Earth in ways they don't understand. These portals can trigger senses of being there before or shifting time and space through a sense of dizziness, vertigo or equilibrium issues within the body. Many people upon the ACTT (artificial timeline), that have been diagnosed with Vertigo and inner ear issues, are in a sense walking into overlays and frequency fields in different areas of the Earth that interact with their body in this way. These areas hold a remembrance of time travel or these areas were traveled upon through time from future or past persons, animals or insects.
All of Source creation has the divine ability to move through timelines easily when embodied. This includes the natural world – plants, animals, trees, insects, birds, fish and so forth. Humans, as well any other creation, have the inherent ability to do this – as well as the entire being that you call Earth. Any creation/being that has been artificially manufactured or artificially hijacked upon the ACT grid (through environment, addictive substances, pharmaceuticals, un-healed trauma, ego alignment and/or mind control) will not have those abilities and need outside technology to assist in that process.
Is Physical Time Travel Possible?
One understands that consciousness can travel through time, as we are talking about. However, the real question many people have on their mind is: Can a physical being or life form move physically in time and space and “pop out”, so to speak, into a past or future time? We say, you are doing this all the time, no pun intended. As you are aligning to the timeline and timestream that matches your inherent vibration and intention, you “timeline jump”. You wake up the next day in a new timeline and have a new time field of experiences to choose from. In other words, you move very easily into a flow state where your outer world shifts accordingly.
One could also do this with focused intention over a long period of time by setting intentions to wake up in the past and focusing on a certain date and time. If one does this, they will notice that over a course of a certain period of time of maintaining this focus they will have moved into that past time. Whether they move physically into that space or their mind fragments so much that it believes it is in that space (think of un-healed people who obsess over the past and who still live from this point in time) is of no difference. Whatever aligns to that person's soul contract, or that person's interest, will happen. They may also meet, or become part of, a group that uses portal technology to time travel as well – but this is a rarer occurrence.
Your intention is the most powerful point of your creation. It determines where and what you are putting your energy upon, which then creates your reality. When focused upon time, it is no different. Time is a linear construct and one that has been tampered with in many instances upon your planet and within your quadrant of the Galaxy and Universe. However, everyone has certain limits around what is possible for their life. Once those limits open into a more expansive state of being, they recognize the ease in which they can travel through time within their “imagination” or consciousness. Depending upon what grid or timeline one is upon, they will see this as either “fantasy” or reality.
Time Travel Upon the Source Timeline
On the Source timeline, physical time travel is very different. One is whole or moving towards wholeness and stationed securely within one's innermost being and essence. They know themselves truly and do not wish to “experiment” with physical time travel. They know all the potential paths, complications and inherent sidetracks that can occur within their life if they choose the path of controlling physical time travel. In this way, upon the Source timeline, one stays within their inner core and the outer world shifts accordingly. Therefore, one can easily move through time and timelines as they become more and more aware of themselves.
This awareness creates a more fortified structure or energy field around themselves. This is the organic “portaling tech” that is naturally inherent within their Divine human form’s DNA. This is what moves their consciousness into looking into the past, the future and all possibilities from their body’s present moment in time. When one is on the Source timeline, and going through a challenging experience, one has access to all the potential paths and outcomes. They can view those easily, without trauma, drama or pain. They can then decide, through consent and intention, which one they choose. In this way, you are a “time traveler” because you are moving through the timestreams and choosing to physicalize into the most aligned path upon the Source timeline.
In terms of physically transporting or translocating from one point to the other (with your physical body), many portals on the Earth do this for you easily. Your ability within your Divine form, within Source, has this ability as well. However, not everybody has or wants this ability because they are focused so much on helping this specific point in time and this specific Earth evolve through releasing from their life the artificial grid networks. To translocate out of that point in time upon earth is to say goodbye to a major soul contract or important intention one has determined in their lifetime to be their core mission, so to speak.
When one side tracks this mission and moves out of their physical timefield (a field of all potentials of timelines within their key present physical position), they find themselves within different understandings and locations that don't make sense. Then they have to figure those out. When one is centered in their truth and understands their reality and their place within it, one has less of a need to physically time travel in that way. Yes, there have been many timelines. As you move through your life, there are many still to assess. Which grid is aligned to you?
Through that individual choice, one affects the collective understanding. When one understands which grid (ACT or OCT) is viable for their life, they will be upon that specifically aligned Earth. In this way, there are multiple paths, with multiple earths that are all aligned in different ways to either ACT or OCT focused experiences. We have spoken about this in length in the second book of the Rebuild Cycle Series: Interconnections and Timeline Shifts. To understand more about this, we recommend reading that book.
Black Hole Time Travelers
Yes, time travelers from the future come to reshape the past to their advantage upon this Earth. One can say this was part of the major timeline wars that are still continuing. You see this more and more upon the ACT grid. For when a “future person” decides to change the shape and sequence of events to their advantage, they are working very much in the control network of ACT manipulated time fields. One can say, this is who has come to enslave humanity - those coming from the future from the ACT “black hole systems” (ACT planets that use wormholes through black holes to infiltrate adjoining systems and their planets). They have come to the Earth to reshape and mold it in the ways they want.
They know the humanity of many different planets, especially the Earth, is awakening and evolving quickly and in a massive way. Harnessing the energy of that awakening feeds them the power they think they need to do what they want, in the ways they want, within the Universe. Their goal of complete control of Source creation gives them an illusion of power that is very tangible to them. To them, it feels very much like ecstasy to do this. This feeling state drives them, and various groups of these beings travel back in time to reshape Source creation to their advantage because of this.
The Higher Purpose of ACT Time Travelers
However, what they don't realize is they have separated and fragmented out their timestreams each time they travel back in time. In that space and time, they are working with less and less of a cohesive flow and farther away from their origination point (where they traveled from). This, paradoxically, allows those, who they are trying to enslave, grow stronger. The enslaved become more fluid and able to choose to be upon the Source timeline, releasing fragmentation, when beings from the future enter their planet. From the perspective of the Source timeline, these ACT time travelers are actually assisting those life forms and humanity to evolve quicker.
This is also happening in multiple timestreams. As one enslaved person wakes up in those timestreams [of future time travelers coming to take power], they start a process of cohesion or cohesive wholeness within their body. They begin to pull back together all the fragmented themes in parallel realities that have been created through that traveling and thus close off those timestreams. Once they regain those pieces, those timestreams release and the timeline of those travelers from the future release themselves as well. They return back into the wholeness of their reality or they fragment more into lower versions of their reality.
In terms of the viewpoint of a human who has awakened, claimed their Source timeline and regained wholeness, they will not see these ACT beings anymore when this happens. They are not part of their reality. Therefore, they have shifted into the cohesive wholeness that is the Source timeline. As more and more people are doing this, there is a mass consciousness of this reclaiming of wholeness that has begun. Therefore, these beings who have come to enslave humanity are moving out of the “game” they created. They are not realizing this is happening, as they “descend” or move downwards in their fragmentation. They of course, can choose to regain their wholeness and course correct the out of the control time grids they were stuck within.
The Lesson of ACT Time Travel
This is basically their “lesson” - to learn that controlling others does not create the outcomes they expected because it is not part of the Original Creation Template (OCT) of life and the way a Source-aligned Universe works. There is a flow state of frequency and vibration, then trust and Divine timing, that is created by all as a whole within Source creation. This is where the joy of living comes into flow. Seeing the beautiful Source flow that is within everything is to walk your life in this way, instead of control. The forcing of life can only create pain, trauma, confusion and fragmentation. That is the core lesson of time travel upon that Source timeline.
Consciousness wholeness recalibration occurs as one moves into the Source timeline frequency band. This is also the natural state that occurs when one is flowing “time travel” in the way that regains wholeness. It's the way one understands their place within their geography they live within. If there ever comes a time when one needs to travel into a different time-based reality that is aligned, one easily can do that without fragmentation through Source flow. It is then, not about control.
Upon the Source timeline, in this way, one will know this will occur and the flow state will be there for it to happen without trauma, confusion, pain or fragmentation. They will walk into this easily, moving into a whole different physical timeline. Even if the location is vastly different than they have been accustomed to, it will naturally flow into their awareness – slowly integrating the nuances and newness of the environment over a period of time. This is what Earth is going through now (we speak of this “planetary portaling” experience in detail in the latest New Earth Report: Earth's New Location). Enjoy this time.
We wish you much love at this time,
- The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides
"'Time Travel & Time Travelers' - The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides": Copyright © 2024 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved
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