Things are shifting quickly now, as the artificial 3D grid continues to dismantle and we enter a time of transition. There are many levels of truths being uncovered, highlighting the need for more discernment of surroundings and relationships.
Check out what my guides, The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides, recommend us focusing upon now.
For more on the overarching energetics of 2024, check out "The 2024 Report" New Earth Report
NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their message:
OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)
OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)
ACT (Artificial Creation Template)
ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)

Varying Perspectives
Channeled by Olivia Lundberg from The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides
(Originally channeled 8-2-24)
It is quite clear, by now, that nothing is as it seems. There are multiple layers of reality you are all coming to, from that Source timeline perspective, in order to see, grow and evolve in multidimensional [for lack of a better word] “consciousness”. There's no longer one or two overlays of experience anymore for those of you on the Source timeline. You are able to see nuances you were not able to see before nor understand. This is one of the main “growth points” for those of you on the Source timeline, or those of you setting intentions each day to stay on the Source timeline through thick and thin.
This is what is predominantly shifting in the world, as well as the veils keeping truths from being understood consciously from those of you. These veils are what have been lifting. More of the reality of situations is able to now be understood because the constructs and confines of experience and the programs keeping that experience in a very simplistic viewpoint have been and are being released. Truth always comes out. Truth always lives on. Lies and illusions always dismantle, dissipate, disappear or release. This is the quickening of this time.
All Aspects of Life Are Coming into View
You are seeing this in all relationships. You are seeing this in your environment. You're seeing this in the viewing of your seasons. You are seeing this in the nuances of your family. All aspects of your life are coming into this subtle holistic view that contains all layers of the truths of that experience. This is the same for all of you on the Source timeline, as you bring your perspective inward. We would say the outer world is much easier to look at and find all of the different levels and views of reality and truth because the Earth has released the veils. The Earth no longer can hold nor sustain the lies and illusions that were overwhelmingly laying on top of those truths and layers of reality.
However, it is much harder to take those truths inside and see that from your own perspective looking at yourself. This is what you all on this Source timeline and even those on the artificial timeline (the ACTT) are doing. You're being pulled inward with that same new lens of reality and seeing all the different nuances into yourself. Therefore, it is getting confusing for some of you to understand what your truth is.
There are so many truths now within you, surrounding what you're examining. This is also why it's hard to view your body in such simplistic terms or do things that had one solution. It is now not as simple as doing one thing to solve a challenge. It is a holistic approach, which is very confusing to your programmed mental body that has been in charge of your physical form for so long on that very simplified version of reality we call the artificial timeline or the artificial grid.
A Transitionary Time
This is the matrix dismantling. This is why things are no longer working for you in the same ways it did before. However, at the same time, things are working much better than before because there is more flow in your daily life. Things that are not able to be quickly fixed, as they were on the artificial timeline, are now being flowed through time and space in a brand-new way. Therefore, patience is required during this time. Looking forward into the future, we see it will not always be like this. However, through this dismantling of overlays and program, that simplified your reality, body and being into a very one-point perspective, one could say this process of coming back into multiple perspectives and holding all in wholeness is an integration process in and of itself.
It is a transitionary time. This is the hardest part, especially, as you have to sit in some uncomfortable physical sensations and flow within body sizes and shapes that are new to you. You can't control this. This is a “normal” process that we're seeing across the globe at this time. So much more of your reality, and the reality of Divine Humans on this planet, is having to account for all of these nuances of perspective. This is what is now coming into a form of wholeness and truth. You are gathering the parts of these truths together. You’re not necessarily needing to act on them at this time. Just observe and hold in wholeness what you are seeing, what you are sensing and all solutions that come to you. Hold them in wholeness is what we recommend until they formulate into the central column of your being.
Know that truth is flowed in each moment and you can act upon it. If you were to act on any of those individual truths you are seeing in the outer world, if you were to jump on any of those prematurely, you would get “sucked” into an alternate reality or timeline that is not aligned to your Source path. It will not take you off of your Source path permanently, but it will take you on a diverging intermediary experience. If that happens, you can come back. However, the question is: do you want to have that energetic loophole or curve in the road right now? That is up to each one of you..
With much love in our hearts for you all at this time,
The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides
"'Varying Perspectives' - The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides": Copyright © 2024 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved
Share in whole only - with copyright, author's name and title in tact...If there is something from any part you'd like to share with another, please contact me ( prior, to ask permission.
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