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Olivia Lundberg
Nov 11, 20233 min read
Preview "Major Timeline Jump into Wholeness" from Shifts & Magnitude Report
We are within the major timeline jump of 2023 that catulpts us into more wholeness within your Divine Human form...
Olivia Lundberg
Nov 6, 20233 min read
Preview "New Sexuality Template for Women" from Shifts & Magnitude Report
Find out what my guides have to say about the new Sexuality Template from the "Shifts & Magnitude" New Earth Report...
Olivia Lundberg
Oct 12, 20233 min read
Preview "The Eclipses of October, 2023" from Shifts & Magnitude Report
We have two extremely powerful eclipses for North America in October, 2023, which will have pivotal effects on our relationships...
Olivia Lundberg
Aug 20, 20234 min read
"The Galactic Collective Timeline" - The Councils of Light, Timeline Guides & Founders
As the original Source timeline reconnects into this quadrant of the galaxy, you're now free from what the earth collective chooses...
Olivia Lundberg
Jul 10, 20233 min read
"The Frequency Wars" - The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides
There is a war over the frequency of the planet that is accelerating our growth and shifting the outcome of the Earth for the better...
Olivia Lundberg
Mar 23, 20233 min read
Preview "Dismantling Areas of the ACT Grid" from The Reclaiming Report
Find out what my guides have to say about archetypes and how they are used by the ACT Grid to create the artificial timeline...
Olivia Lundberg
Mar 23, 20233 min read
Preview "Norwegian Sea & Antarctica" from The Reclaiming Report
Currently, the Norwegian Sea and all ocean life flows with the Source codes that are balancing out Antarctica's energetics...
Olivia Lundberg
Mar 22, 20234 min read
Preview "Your Original Earth" from The Reclaiming Report
The Earth holds many negative frequencies and conflicting duality - learn what the original Earth was like millions of years ago...
Olivia Lundberg
Dec 25, 20224 min read
Preview: Initiation, Heart Attacks & Intimacy from The 2023 Report
These three sections about initiation, heart attacks and intimacy were chosen by my guides to share, as they are integral to 2023...
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