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Preview of "The Fear Trap" from Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Rebuild Series Book 2

Welcome to the preview of "The Fear Trap" from my new book, Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series...

This message was originally given to me back in 2022 from my guides, The Councils of Light & Timeline Guides, which I've put into my own words with their help.

We're undergoing a massive assault of ACTT (Aritifcial Creation Template & Timeline) energetics and sound frequencies geared to inciting fear within the global community - which can and will be used at different points within this Rebuild Cycle to control the masses. This message is all about this fear trap and how to release it once and for all...

Topics Include:

  • These Fears Are Not Your Own

  • The Fear Agenda

  • 4 Key Ways to Release Fear During This Rebuild Cycle



If you resonate with this message, there's also two more sections to preview from Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series - free to read on the blog as well:

To purchase the book, click here.



NOTE: My guides use the following terms in their messages:

  • The Rebuild Cycle - an accelerating time from March 2022 - April 2025 intended to "rebuild" everything around and inside of us at a massive rate

  • OCT (Original Creation Template of Source)

  • OCTT (Original Creation Template & Timeline of Source - otherwise known as the Original Source Timeline)

  • ACT (Artificial Creation Template)

  • ACTT (Artificial Creation Template & Timeline otherwise known as the 3D Matrix)

Preview of "The Fear Trap"

From Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series by Olivia Lundberg

(Originally Channeled June 23rd, 2022)

The following is my translation of the energetic downloads my guides gave. You’ll notice the language contains “us”, “we”, and “I” statements - signifying it’s my translation.

These Fears Are Not Your Own

Your core fears may be coming to the surface now. These fears are being manufactured through resonance fields in the collective and the infrastructure of our society at large. You see, the nefarious groups who used to have a lot of power have no power, nor the monetary funds they need, to really do the damage they wish to inflict upon this planet. That’s the result of the past two years (2020—2021) which were the catalysts for the global awakening we’re witnessing.

That’s why we’re seeing such massive fear campaigns everywhere now - in mainstream media, within our economy and just about everywhere you look upon the ACTT (Artificial Creation Template and Timeline - the 3D matrix). The only thing these nefarious power elite have is keeping our vibration low enough that we don’t raise our consciousness and keep ascending into higher states of reality. This is their ultimate agenda - to stop our OCT Divine Human form and the planet from ascending out of the ACTT 3D matrix by keeping us at a lower vibration of reality through fear.

The Fear Agenda

We’re all undergoing a major fear campaign right now. Everywhere you turn there is fear and possibly this fear is rising in what seems like your internal reality. My guides and I are here to tell you that it is not yours. There are low sound wave frequencies (ELF’s) that can trigger fear and have been used by various nefarious groups for a very long time to help control the masses. These frequencies are being used now to restrict the higher vibration that is anchoring upon our planet.

They can be transmuted by you, and your energy field can protect you from them, only if you are aware that they are indeed real - as your body and our world are made up of frequencies. This message is not meant to scare you, but to give you hope, courage and protection during this very powerful Rebuild Cycle.

4 Keys to Release Fear During This Rebuild Cycle

If this resonates, my guides and I recommend the following to help you move through this time:

1 - Remember, on the Source timeline full trust and surrender is required, which is not in alignment with the ego at all. That’s why it’s really easy to succumb to fear when you’re living from your ego, as it’s hard to have the patience required and trust the process. Fear may drive your ego to make you do hasty and irrational things to quickly get back control. Do what you can to work on releasing your ego and recognizing when...[end of preview]

This is the end of the preview of "The Fear Trap". To read the rest of this chapter...

Click to purchase eBook - Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series

Click to purchase Paperback - Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series

Preview the other 2 sections of the book below...


"Preview of 'The Fear Trap' from Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Rebuild Series Book 2": Copyright © 2023 by Olivia Lundberg | All Rights Reserved

Share in whole only - with copyright, author's name and title in tact...If there is something from any part you'd like to share with another, please contact me ( prior, to ask permission.


If you resonated with this message, preview two more sections from Interconnection & Timeline Shifts - Book 2 in the Keys to the Rebuild Series:


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